About this collection
The ZODIACO collection follows a thorough research on the tradition regarding the Zodiac signs. Every detail, from the position to the clothes and even the colors, is meticulously studied to interpret a detail of the personality attributed to each sign.
For this reason these figurines are personalized for each of us: whether we believe in the culture grown around this topic or not, the peculiarity of these models makes them an exclusive and original gift, in a way intended just for that particular loved one.
Pisces according to the Zodiac
The sign that closes winter time and the entire annual life cycle is the sign of Pisces.
A new beginning presupposes a phase of change, of disorder, in which ideas, dreams, imagination and inspiration are the masters.
Distinctive feature of the Pisces sign is the ability of metamorphosis, of adaptation (which sometimes leads to chaos), of empathic fusion with the outside to the point of forgetting himself; sometimes it is difficult to recognize and respect the boundaries, as well as tell reality from fantasy, the I from the Other. His is a unifying vision of opposites, which gives this sign immagination and creativity, as well as great empathy towards others and towards the collective unconscious.
The criterion that works for everyone, for the irreducible Pisces is an incentive to find an alternative, but once this is reached, it loses all its interest, and he projects himself immediately towards something else.
Stark and lucid reasoning is not his favorite path, while art is a form of expression that allows him to translate complex intuitions into a symbolic language.
Pisces interpreted by Sibania
Pisces is the most emotional sign of the Zodiac, so this figure sits embracing her knees in an almost defensive position, but with her eyes turned upwards, towards the future or the dream.
Her unusual and asymmetrical dress represents the imagination of the sign, the print is then soft but the entirety is typified. The layers of tulle, a trait common to all the signs of Water of this collection, follow the drapery of the skirt and take up the dualism of the sign: a larger leaf contrasts with two small ones, front and back, like head and fins of a fish. The hair, tied to the side, on the shoulder opens into two regular locks, recalling the iconography of Pisces.
The colors of the sign are purple and light blue, opposed as nuances in the two parts of the bodice and to be found again counterposed in the skirt texture and the tulle shades. The hair is black, as for all the wintry signs, while the violet eyes recall the color of the Water element, evident also on the base.
The Pisces symbol is shown in the bodice, composed of two asymmetrical circular parts linked by the central tulle band.
Height: 17 cm
Every product created by Sibania is unique both concerning the realization process of every single piece and the production technology, which boasts its being inimitable by others. Each item is hand made and hand painted in our workshop, set in Vicenza (Italy). All clothes are made of thin, porcelain layers on which different kinds of textures are impressed. These layers are cutted according to the characteristics of every single template. They are successively carefully applied on the figurine body. Hairstyles are also handcrafted depending on each figurine’s unique features. Faces, clothes and accessories are painted on the biscuit with non-toxic colors. The piece is eventually baked one last time (“third firing”). Any additional details such as violin strings or the Vespa kickstands are then applied on the finished piece.
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