About this collection
The ZODIACO collection follows a thorough research on the tradition regarding the Zodiac signs. Every detail, from the position to the clothes and even the colors, is meticulously studied to interpret a detail of the personality attributed to each sign.
For this reason these figurines are personalized for each of us: whether we believe in the culture grown around this topic or not, the peculiarity of these models makes them an exclusive and original gift, in a way intended just for that particular loved one.
Sagittarius according to the Zodiac
The sign that closes the autumn season is Sagittarius: it is the beginning of the wintry stasis.
The journey, the dynamism, the novelty, the desire to make things are fundamental symbolic elements for Sagittarius: everything stops around him, but he still wants to experience, to know and exploit his energy. The uncertainty is overcome by optimism and resourcefulness, with a touch of venture. However Sagittarius is also stasis, recollection and silence, from which derives the great love for study and research.
It is a generous sign, active, transparent, direct, almost incapable of lying, and this too often brings him to believe that the same applies to others as well. Disappointments and defeats are always bitter, but he does not lose heart and starts again. Confident and optimistic, he usually lacks strategy.
He does not tolerate habits and therefore to be static, so he is constantly growing: he is fascinated by culture and wisdom in others, which he seeks and tries to absorb as much as possible: at work, more than well-being, he seeks self-fulfillment.
Sagittarius interpreted by Sibania
Sagittarius is a wintry, studious and lively sign. This figure’s pose recalls the first of these characteristics: attentive to what she has in front of her, she absorbs and internalizes its meanings.
The innovative dress leaves the arms free without limiting sudden movements, and follows the body without weighing it down. The ponytail recalls the iconography of the centaur, an image that is linked to the sign, half man and half horse, and lets the hair fall in rich ringlets on the shoulders.
The colors of Sagittarius are purple and blue, very clear in the corset, while the eyes of a deep blue tone indicate the disarming sincerity and the tendency to search in depth.
Like the other Fire signs, her dress is embellished with fluid lace, which underlines the pointed shape of the skirt while at the same time making the figure slender.
The Sagittarius symbol strongly characterizes the figure: it is clearly visible on the bodice and is hinted at on the lower lines of the skirt, front and back.
Finally, the base is red, recalling the belonging to the Fire element.
Height: 20 cm
Every product created by Sibania is unique both concerning the realization process of every single piece and the production technology, which boasts its being inimitable by others. Each item is hand made and hand painted in our workshop, set in Vicenza (Italy). All clothes are made of thin, porcelain layers on which different kinds of textures are impressed. These layers are cutted according to the characteristics of every single template. They are successively carefully applied on the figurine body. Hairstyles are also handcrafted depending on each figurine’s unique features. Faces, clothes and accessories are painted on the biscuit with non-toxic colors. The piece is eventually baked one last time (“third firing”). Any additional details such as violin strings or the Vespa kickstands are then applied on the finished piece.
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