Sette Nani (blu-bruno-giallo -nero-rosso-verde-viola)
About this collection
Every detail of the FAIRY TALES collection has been studied on the different classic editions of the traditional fairytales. We have identified the distinctive features and we have translated them in the form that you can see here.
The seven Dwarfs
Porcelain figurine of seven little goofy Dwarfs. Every Dwarf is bald apart from a little messy hair around their ears. They have thick eyebrows and their hands, feet and faces are dirty after spending their day in a mine.
Every Dwarf has its own specific color (from left to right):
the Black Dwarf (Nano Nero) has red hair and green eyes. He is laying on the ground and he seems not to be able to lay still;
the Red Dwarf (Nano Rosso) has white hair. He sits on the ground, a little confused, looking all around him;
the Brown Dwarf (Nano Bruno) has brown hair. He stands pointing at Snow White, not too sure that they can trust her;
the Green Dwarf (Nano Verde) has white hair. He stands as he looks at Snow White;
the Purple Dwarf (Nano Viola) has brown hair. He is leaning forward as if he wanted to ask Snow White for a kiss;
the Blue Dwarf (Nano Blu) has white hair. He is sitting on the ground with curious and amused eyes;
the Yellow Dwarf (Nano Giallo) has brown hair. He is sitting on the ground, amused by the mess going on all around him.
Heights: 6 to 9 cm
Every product created by Sibania is unique both concerning the realization process of every single piece and the production technology, which boasts its being inimitable by others. Each item is hand made and hand painted in our workshop, set in Vicenza (Italy). All clothes are made of thin, porcelain layers on which different kinds of textures are impressed. These layers are cutted according to the characteristics of every single template. They are successively carefully applied on the figurine body. Hairstyles are also handcrafted depending on each figurine’s unique features. Faces, clothes and accessories are painted on the biscuit with non-toxic colors. The piece is eventually baked one last time (“third firing”). Any additional details such as violin strings or the Vespa kickstands are then applied on the finished piece.
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